
I always want to make something bigger than just short promo videos, so i turn on computer and try to make a short story, max simple and clear. So after half a week of endless work it was transformed into movie about friendship. I was inspired by Pixar's Wall-E. I like b&w pictures with color elements, so i choose that style and begin making layers in Photoshop to make realy atmospheric picture. I count (in my mind:) over 20 different layers that i composed in 3d composition in AfterEffects. Robot was made in modo. Then it was animated into image sequence, and imported into composition.

Most hard (for me) part of the movie- sounds. Open Fruity, make sound (drag synth triggers, pan, pitch, beat control and more...) that ~what you want, place it in Vegas- bad. Than all again.

This is how montage looks like:

Final shots (three different parts):

Break MTV.

Late summer i saw a contest trailer on my tv, and think that it would be nice to take a part in such great design contest. Well, truelly- it was first time when i submit my videos on any contest, because video-design is my hobby and i was little scared. But i won! Not a first place, for now, but my video is one of the finalists. So this is a couple of cuts about this video:

Step one: 

I make a little studio with my girlfriend, little blue paper, my old Olympus digital photocamera with a tripod and old lighter with a corded power switcher. Its a Hollywood!:) So i made four videos with "scripted" turning on/off the light while my partner, with all her heroism, try to move her hand as i told:) 

Step two: 

It is strange, but now i dont like to do such videos as "full 3d". This is strange because if i done it last year, i probably made it in modo natively. But now i want more 2d. Thats why i have only one rendered object- a bulb. So, modo, one night of  modeling and texturing, animation, render and i have a nice hero for the movie.

Step three: 

It was most terrible part of the process- keying:) My Olympus with exposure compensation that impossible to turn off, so that video was with flickering brightness (when light turned on or off) , and it was very grainy too. First of all, in my dear Combustion i minimize both of that bugs. After that i made a keying:

Step four:

Compositing, animation and soundscore. Most of the layers was made in Photoshop, even that glow around and inside of the bulb. Music and sounds i made in Fruityloops editor.

Step five:

Montage in Sony Vegas and done!

Well, that was a really short story, believe me:) Good luck.

Portfolio video

I made my own industrial design video!

Modo modeling, animation, texturing and lighting. I took my ready designs, and modeled them. That bar chair is replica of Karim Rashids "Skoop". That was a student project. 

After i rendered all by passes (layers), painted object backlights in Photoshop and compose it in Combustion. Than animation and rendering in 720p.

So here is the result (all images are clickable) :

P.S: I cant post videos here, because Blogger video compression algorithm make videos much darker than they are:( So maybe il try to tune videos specialy for posting here.

Time Machine (old)

The idea was to make a video-explanation to my ID student project. But in process, i make an explanation for the name of this wall clock :) Because in video when time is changing- everything is changing. That wall that in background transforming while clock is tuning. Plus some FX and its look like commercial:)

First of all- modeling and animation. After it was rendered in sequention...

 Of course Combustion! That flying parts is the layer that was animated and rendered directly for fine tuning while composed. 

Then i write music and sounds in Fruity Loops, final montage in Vegas and done!